
The program MultiCopy is designed to copy files and directories simultaneously in several different sites (directories, network folders, disks, etc.).

The main difference from other programs up.

  • The source files are read from the media only once, which reduces the copy for slow vehicles;
  • Multi-threaded implementation with independent read and write threads can simultaneously read and write, as well as to simultaneously record multiple files, which reduces the backup time.

Are no longer maintained. The new version will not be released.

The purpose in creating the program MultiCopy was to minimize the time copy files in several different directories. When using the standard tools of the operating systems and file manager to copy the same file in several different directories, you must copy it first in one directory, then in another, etc. In this case we must consider the source file as many times as a our destinations. If you are using a slow media, then the time for such a "multipurpose" copy is markedly increased. MultiCopy program bypasses this limitation by reading the source file into a buffer in memory only once, and then writing it from memory to multiple files, appointments.

MultiCopy program is based on a ring buffer and multi-threaded implementation. For each recorded file is created by a thread. This architecture allows simultaneous write operations, which greatly speeds up the copy in the case of the use of different physical media. It also has a separate thread, and file to be read. This allows you to read from the media, along with write operations. To start recording, it is sufficient to consider only one block of the source file. After this block is transfered to write threads, and the reading thread can begin reading the next block. This implementation allows the reader to start recording with minimal loss of time. In general, the copy speed is limited by the speed of the slowest of the media used.


Key features in MultiCopy.

  • Automatic detection of optimal amount of RAM that is used as an intermediate buffer to copy. Engineers can specify the amount of memory manually. The minimum buffer size - 1 MB (one cell in a 1 MB), maximum - 1 GB (32 cells from 32 MB).
  • Copy the subdirectories only to a certain level of nesting or without restrictions.
  • Copy along with the files and directories on the date and time of their creation.
  • Pause at any time up to an arbitrary time.
  • Extended error handling copy. If an error occurs, you can repeat the operation, just skip the current file, skip all the files when an error occurs, cancel the copy in this destination or to cancel the whole operation.
  • Tasks queue with the ability to delete, move and edit tasks.
  • The transition to reading the next file until the end of the previous writing (to reduce the time to copy).
  • The choice of method of processing Windows shortcuts - copy a shortcut or the object to which it refers.


Screenshots of program windows


Download MultiCopy

Download latest version of MultiCopy

If you want to run MultiCopy on Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 Server, you need to use version 1.2.0.

Download MultiCopy 1.2.0

 GitHub repository:




Version 2.1.0b (2012-12-26)
* Fixed a problem with non-worked options for cleaning sources and destinations
  lists after the task runs.

Version 2.1.0a (2012-12-03)
* Used a Qt version 4.8.4.
* The 64-bit version is built with the MinGW compiler.

Version 2.1.0 (2012-11-10)
+ Added icons on the buttons and menu items. Added selection of view of buttons
  with icons.
+ Added ability to select multiple items in lists of sources and appointments.
+ Added reaction of sources and destinations list on the Delete key
 (remove selected), and the key combination Ctrl+A (select all).
+ The configuration files for the 32 - and 64-bit versions are separate.
+ Number of running instance of application added to all windows.
+ To the statistics added the total work time.
+ Added option to clean sources and destinations lists after launch task.
! Fixed a bug when displaying the name of the source in the progress window.
! Windows Vista and above. In the dialogs for select the source directory and
  destination directory after selecting multiple items adds nothing. Fixed.
* After selecting the folder in the dialog of the source or the destination
  directory next launch a dialogue opens the selected directory. Now opens the
  parent directory.
* МMinor internal code improvements.

Version 2.0.1 (2012-08-13)
! Essentially increased the copy speed when system cache is off.
! Fixed bug in calculating the statistics for the simultaneous operation of
  multiple instances of the program.
+ Added option to disable the system cache when processing files whose size
  exceeds the specified size.
* Minor internal code improvements.

Version 2.0.0 (2012-07-21)
++ The feature of adding copy jobs to the queue, dequeue, moving, and return to
  edit mode implemented.
++ Implemented the transition to reading the next file until the end of the
  previous writed.
++ Implemented display of the number of files and their total size in the
  calculation of the size of the copy job.
+ In the settings window added buttons to reset to default values.
+ Added ability to select the behavior in the processing Windows shortcuts -
  copy the shortcut itself, or the object to which it points.
+ Added option to run only one copy of the program.
+ Added the function of counting statistics of work (number and size of readed
  and writed files).
* Changed the internal ini-file structure.
* Settings window is divided into two different windows - the program settings
  and options set up.
* Significant internal improvements and code optimization.
* Reduced delays in accessing the elements of the ring buffer.
* Check function of free space now works correctly when multiple destination
  directories on the same logical device.
! Windows. Fixed incorrect handling of NTFS reparse points.
! Liquidated loop when processing a circular reference - these links are now
- Removed experimental feature to copy to all subdirectories of the specified
  directory because it does not operate in certain situations.

Version 1.2.0 (2011-12-25)
! If you copy and determining the size of the job does not take into account
  the hidden and system files and directories.
! When processing the second and subsequent jobs during the counting of the size
  of the job to display data about the time of copying the previous job.
! Linux. Not copied the date and time of files and directories.
+ Added support for Drag and Drop in the lists of sources and destinations.
+ Added option to display the icons of files and directories.
+ Added option to check the destination directory.
+ Saving the option "Do not close after" in the progress of the copy operation.
+ Changing the language without having to restart the program.
+ Added ability to load and save lists of sources and destinations.
+ Added a field for manual entry of file names and directories. Item added
  options to display / hide the fields.
+ Added automatic selection of the size of the copy buffer.
+ Added function to check free disk space before copying.
+ Added a function to copy the attributes of files and directories.
+ Windows. Added ability to lock memory pages (which prohibits dumping of memory
  pages in the paging file).
+ Windows. Added function to enable / disable the use of the system cache when
+ Added function to populate the list of appointments all subdirectories of
  the specified directory. (Experimental!)
* Increased speed of counting the size of the task and transfer files.
* Reduced CPU usage when displaying the progress up.
* Changed design of the main window.
* Changed design of the form settings (Multi form now).
* Minor improvements and code optimization.

Version 1.1.0 (2011-12-01)
! Fixed a bug which in rare cases damage to one of the destination files.
! Windows. Removed the "freezing" of progress bars at the end of copy process.
+ Windows. Copy speed is increased.
+ Windows. Copying is no longer used the system cache.
* Minor improvements and code optimization.

Version 1.0.0 (2011-10-29)
* First public program version.